

Empower Yourself: Expert Tips for Managing Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a significant phase life, yet there’s often a lack of information on how to navigate it. Claire Small, Physiotherapist & Chief Clinical Officer, shares her journey through menopause and offers actionable tips for making lifestyle changes to ease its symptoms.


New Year, New Me: Making it Stick

January is the most popular month of the year to try and start new exercise routines. February is the most likely month to stop. On average it takes 66 days to build a new habit, so those first few weeks are the hardest. Find out how to make it stick in our new blog.

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7 Ways to Stay Healthy This Winter

As the nights draw in and the temperature gets colder, we hope everyone is keeping warm and well. Our experts offer a few helpful tips to stay ahead of the game this winter, and keep you feeling your best.

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Your Winter Training Checklist

With the running, cycling and triathlon seasons over, endurance athletes should be thinking about how best to use the winter months.

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Physical Activity and Breast Cancer

Sport & Exercise Consultant, Dr Farrah Jawad explains how physical activity is a tool at our disposal that we can use to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.

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Running an ultramarathon in your 50s

What is it like taking on an ultramarathon in your 50s, compared to say your 30s? Dr Mike Burdon, who can now answer that question, reflects on his experience of training for and competing in an ultramarathon earlier this year.


Why Prehab (Preventive Rehabilitation) is Important

A Prehab programme is a series of exercises designed around you. These exercises help to avoid injury and pain, whether you are an Olympian, a weekend warrior, or preparing for surgery.

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Sleep is a Legal Performance Enhancing Drug

If sleep was a tablet, all doctors would prescribe it.” See why our Physiotherapists advise sleep as part of their rehabilitation programmes.