Massage Therapy

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Preventing Marathon Injuries with Soft Tissue Therapy

It’s never to late to start looking after your soft tissue, and that doesn’t just mean after race day.

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Six Techniques to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common conditions we see. Here are six exercises you can do to relieve pain at home.

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Restless Legs Syndrome

Soft Tissue Therapist Shaun Gilmore discusses the symptoms, causes and management of Restless Legs Syndrome.

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Soft Tissue Therapy for IRONMAN Preparation

Massage Therapist Elissa Millhouse explains why Soft Tissue Therapy is an important part of IRONMAN preparation.

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How to Recover After Running a Marathon

You’ve done it, you completed the marathon! You’re feeling that runner’s high and want to sign up to another straight away! But you feel those post-race aches and stiffness coming on. Find out how to give your body the best chance at recovering so you can keep running, pain-free.

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Reflecting on your Goals

Soft Tissue Therapist Sara Tomiuck reflects on our goals for the year and how we can continue to feel better in 2017.

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Soft Tissue Therapy & Marathon Training (ITB Syndrome)

A commonly misunderstood running injury, the ITB (iliotibial band) friction syndrome, is a tricky one to know how to treat, unless you have an expert Soft Tissue Therapist to guide you.

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The science behind how Soft Tissue Therapy works

Therapist Lynsey Ellis provides the research behind why Soft Tissue Therapy is effective in the prevention of injury.