
ADL6999 Edit

Working from Home: Hints & Habits

In recent weeks, many of us went from commuting into an office environment to returning to our home offices. Another shift in our working routine isn’t ideal, so here are our top tips to help working from home seem a little less gloomy.

OR2 1953

How to Balance Pain and Exercise

The fact of the matter is pain is a part of life; for some it is short lived, and for others pain becomes a full time experience. But that shouldn’t mean that exercise and looking after yourself in this way is off the table. Physiotherapist Jordan Smitham discusses.

PM 3 578

Knee Pain in Cycling

Knee pain is common in cyclists and is often the reason for missed training days if left untreated. Find out how the pros avoid these common injuries with tips from our experts, plus get advice on how to manage these types of injuries when they crop up!

PM 1 0629

Act on Axial SpA

A condition that takes an average 8.5 years to diagnose, Axial Spondyloarthritis has significant impacts on day-to-day life, work and mental health. Find out why our Rheumatology Team are championing increased awareness, earlier diagnosis and better management.

OR2 2047

Cuff is Key: Why Shoulder Rehab Needs Consistency

As 70% of people experience shoulder pain at some point in their life it is easy to see why it is one of the most common complaints we see. Find out all about this area of the body, how it can be treated and the key to successful rehab.

PM 3 406

Tennis Elbow: Advice for Non-Tennis Players

Lifestyle changes can have a big impact on our bodies; changes in usual activities are commonly reported with new symptoms of tennis elbow. Find out what to do if you experience elbow pain.

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How To Train like a Professional Cyclist

Just because you’re not a professional cyclist doesn’t mean you can’t train like one. In this blog our experts discuss typical injuries suffered by cyclists and the top three things you can do to prevent them.

PM 1 0518

World Health Day

World Health Day feels different this year. The last 12 months have encouraged many people to slow down and focus more on their health, and the many different aspects of it.