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Exertional Shin Pain or Shin Splints’

In the lead up to the London Marathon, Dr James Thing discusses one of the most common running injuries shin splints’.

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Soft Tissue Therapy & Marathon Training (ITB Syndrome)

A commonly misunderstood running injury, the ITB (iliotibial band) friction syndrome, is a tricky one to know how to treat, unless you have an expert Soft Tissue Therapist to guide you.

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Are you Marathon ready?

Marathon training is no easy feat! Many of our clinicians know from personal experience. Unfortunately we’ve also seen the downside of unstructured training — the injuries. To help make sure that you’re marathon ready, we’re sharing our top 5 exercises to test your resilience.

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Off-season Training for Endurance Athletes

Just because the seasons over, doesn’t mean your work is done. Find out why endurance athletes hit the gym during the winter, and how important off-season training is to making those vital preparations for next season.

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Exertional Leg Pain in Marathon Runners

As marathon day draws nearer, unfortunately the number of injuries we see often increases. In this blog, Dr Mike Burdon will discuss three common marathon related injuries in more depth.

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Running Injuries: ITBFS

ITBFS or Illiotibial band friction syndrome is a common injury among runners and one we see a lot of in the run up to the London Marathon. But, what is it and how can it be treated?