
Posts written for you by our experts

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Preparing for a Cycling Race and Knowing When to Rest

You’re almost ready for the upcoming race and raring to go. But is it a good idea to keep pushing yourself in the lead-up, only to find yourself unwell or injured at the start line? We offer some guidance around when it’s best to take a rest from training.

Massage Therapy Gun Canva

3 Reasons to Use Massage Therapy Devices

The sales of massage devices have gone through the roof recently and it is clear why — muscle tension seems to be a thing of the past. Let’s take a deeper look in to why these popular recovery aides are becoming at-home staples.


Why Prehab (Preventive Rehabilitation) is Important

A Prehab programme is a series of exercises designed around you. These exercises help to avoid injury and pain, whether you are an Olympian, a weekend warrior, or preparing for surgery.


The Many Misconceptions of Pain: Why Isn’t My Pain Getting Better?

Do you have pain that hasn’t responded to usual Physiotherapy treatments? Consider this blog an alternative way of thinking about pain. This is especially relevant for pain that has lasted many months, maybe even years.

My tribe top london physio clinic

We’re My Tribe’s No. 1 Pick

Thank you My Tribe Insurance for listing us as your top London Physiotherapy Clinic!

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Stress: The good, the bad and the really bad

Find out what effects stress can have on our bodies, and some helpful tools and techniques to help manage it.

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Sleep is a Legal Performance Enhancing Drug

If sleep was a tablet, all doctors would prescribe it.” See why our Physiotherapists advise sleep as part of their rehabilitation programmes.

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Eat Your Way to the Finish Line: Marathon Training

If you’re lucky enough to have gotten a place in this year’s London Marathon, you’re likely already planning your training programme. In this blog we focus specifically on training your gut.