Whether you’re training for a forthcoming marathon or enjoy distance running for general fitness. One of the common injuries to occur is ITB friction/inflammation which is an over-use injury.
This normally emulates itself as soreness or stabbing pain on the outside of the knee and is worse with activity and running and can be exacerbated with running down hill. There is no specific trauma that causes the injury. In advance stages you will be unable to run due to the pain.
We encourage regular runners to have a preventative soft tissue treatment to help avoid the above and keep the muscles you’re using to run, healthy.
A regular soft tissue treatment in your training programme will enable your legs to recover more quickly, keep your muscles in balance and you will feel lighter on your legs and have more energy in them.
When you come for your soft tissue treatment we will assess you and check for any muscle tightness by looking at your range of motion. Typically with ITB symptoms there will be fascial restriction along the outside of your thigh, as well as tightness in your muscles on the inside of your thigh, the back of your leg, your lower back and the front of your hip and thigh as well as in your glutes (external hip rotators).
We won’t assume any of the above until we’ve assessed you and then we will work on the areas or ‘structures’ that need to be released. Even if you’re only experiencing symptoms on one side we will aim to treat the opposing leg as this is likely to be compensating.
If you’re reading this and it’s sounding like a familiar scenario and you’re unable to currently run due to the pain, the most important thing is to see a Physiotherapist.
Resting, icing and taking an anti inflammatory as prescribed by your GP or pharmacist will help in the meantime. A Physiotherapist will be able to assess your hip and knee biomechanics which could be impacting this injury.
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