COVID-19 Rehab & Recovery

After recovering from COVID-19, some people are describing periods of prolonged fatigue and reduced exercise tolerance. In these cases, expert rehabilitation is needed.


With his extensive military and civillian experience in Rehabilitation, Medical Director & Consultant Rheumatologist, Dr John Etherington can assess and case manage patients recovering from both mild and serious cases of COVID-19

To determine the effect of COVID-19, you will have an initial consultation with Dr Etherington, where he will make a careful assessment of your condition by taking a full history, conducting an examination and arranging any any investigations you may need. This will identify the nature and level of impact the virus has had on you and will allow him to prescribe the rehabilitation programme which is best suited to your goals.

Dr Etherington will then form a closely monitored rehabilitation plan, which can be delivered safely within PSM and could include Physiotherapy, Strength & Conditioning, Dietetics and Soft Tissue Therapy as required. 

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Who is this service suitable for? #

  • People who have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 and feel they are struggling with recovery or return to full function
  • People who are experiencing prolonged fatigue and muscle or joint pain 
  • Athletes who are experiencing exercise intolerance, fatigue and unable to get back to pre-covid performance
  • People who are experiencing side effects or issues associated with time spent in hospital
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Dr Etherington can refer you for any appropriate investigations or services where needed, including: #

  • FBC, U&E’s, GFR, LFT’s
  • Inflammatory markers ESR and CRP
  • Chest X‑ray
  • Pulmonary function tests – spirometry as a minimum
  • Resting pulse oximetry – repeated during exercise
  • Echocardiogram
  • Exercise ECG
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Counselling services
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Exercise Physiology

Discover more #


COVID-19 Rehabilitation

Even after mild cases of COVID-19, some people are describing periods of prolonged fatigue and reduced exercise tolerance after recovering from the viral infection. In these cases, expert management and rehabilitation is needed.

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Covid-19 and Arthritis

Dr John Etherington, Medical Director & Consultant Rheumatologist, explores the links between the Covid-19 symptoms of joint and muscle pain, and the risk for those with Arthritis.

Prices #

The following prices apply to both face-to-face and virtual appointments:

Initial Consultation (40 mins)


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We can bill the following insurance providers directly

Aetna, AVIVA, AXA Health, BUPA, BUPA Global, Healix, Health Partners Europe, Vitality and WPA.

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Locations #

Moorgate EC2A

Our Moorgate clinic benefits from a prime location on Finsbury Square, ideally located on the City fringe connecting Liverpool Street and Moorgate with Shoreditch and Old Street. Offering both face-to-face and remote consultations.

Book an appointment
020 7788 7000

Canary Wharf E14

Our Canary Wharf clinic is located within Cabot Place in the centre of Canary Wharf, convenient to Greenwich and Blackheath. Offering both face-to-face and remote consultations.

Book an appointment
020 7788 7000

Virtual Clinic

Access our expert Sport, Exercise and Musculoskeletal Medicine services from anywhere in the UK.

Book an appointment
020 3595 1237