Due to its accessibility, running has become increasingly popular and continues to do so, especially here in London. More and more people are eager to improve their physical and mental well-being, so it’s easy to see why so many are getting involved.
Our Running Hub is here to help you get the most out of your running, whether you’re a beginner looking for advice on taking your first steps, or whether you’re an experienced runner training for your next marathon.
Our experts offer their advice, from both a clinical and personal perspective, as keen runners themselves.
Sign up today to get all the tips, tricks, and advice for training for and taking on a marathon from our expert clinical team and running specialists, direct to your inbox every week!
Sign up todayIf you’ve ever taken part in a Marathon race, you likely plan your training programme ahead of time, and as the mileage ramps up and the new shoes work their magic, you know what the upcoming weeks will look like training-wise, but what about food-wise?
Making sure you are fuelling your body correctly for the upcoming challenge — and necessary training — is just as important as the physical training. In this blog we focus specifically on training your gut for an endurance running event.
Want to see one our expert clinicians? Get in touch below or keep scrolling to read more.
Book NowAvoid and manage shin splints with our top tips and advice for new and seasoned runners.
Common causes, the assessment process and tailored management programmes. Physiotherapist Henry Clarke offers advice on the best course of action to take if you have sustained a running injury.
Previously referred to as Tendonitis, Achilles Tendinopathy is one of the most common foot and ankle injuries — and not just with runners. In this blog we discuss the risks and treatments related to Achilles Tendinopathy.
We see many runner’s with knee pain, or Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) as its known in the medical world, and as we always say, getting the right diagnosis is key. So in this blog we explain how to identify if your knee pain is runner’s knee, or something else.
Marathon training is no easy feat! Many of our clinicians know from personal experience. Unfortunately we’ve also seen the downside of unstructured training — the injuries. To help make sure that you’re marathon ready, we’re sharing our top 5 exercises to test your resilience.
What is it like taking on an ultramarathon in your 50s, compared to say your 30s? Dr Mike Burdon, who can now answer that question, reflects on his experience of training for and competing in an ultramarathon earlier this year.
When training for a long distance run, it is easy to get carried away and go overboard with the amount of training you do, or even overlook certain areas. Discover the most common causes of injuries and get expert advice on how to avoid them.
Did you know that Pilates can improve your running and prevent, and help you recover from, injuries? You might be thinking “how is that possible?” Well, we explain all in our expert-approved blog.
The main type of injury that long-distance runners sustain are overuse injuries. When those miles are piling up, it’s important to be aware what it is you’re asking of your body, and what you can do to support it and ultimately avoid these types of injury.
We see many runners include uphill sprints in their training, but have you ever thought about what happens to your body when you run downhill? It may feel easier, but your muscles are working just as hard, but in a different way. Get our top tips on how to train for the declines.
The London Marathon is so close, you can almost feel that medal around your neck. But what about after the race? It’s time to think about your body’s recovery so you can take on the next challenge — because, if you hadn’t already, we’re sure you’ve got the marathon bug now!
Elevate your marathon training with essential accessories that boost performance, comfort, and motivation.
Don’t neglect your gut when training for a marathon or long distance event. Learn what to eat, when, and how to incorporate this in to your training plan.
Unlock the secrets to balancing calorie intake and expenditure for peak performance and recovery in marathon training.
Discover how to avoid interruptions to your marathon training by selecting your kit early on so you can make sure its as up to the challenge as you are.
Head of Rehab and ultra-runner, Dawn Nunes, reflects on her experience taking on the UK’s hardest winter 100-miler race along the Cornish coastline, the Arc of Attrition.
“Race day started at 6am. I grabbed some breakfast then headed to the Eco centre for the 8:45am meet.
The centre was busy and buzzing with my fellow runners, event staff and supporters, all getting ready for the busses’ departure to take us to the starting point of the Arc of Attrition…”
Find out how to not only complete a marathon but to achieve your new PB with expert advice from Running Coach and Strength & Conditioning Coach, Andy Page who offers his top five tips for marathon training.
Just because the seasons over, doesn’t mean your work is done. Find out why endurance athletes hit the gym during the winter, and how important off-season training is to making those vital preparations for next season.
If you are an endurance athlete who wants to perform to a higher level then Strength & Conditioning training is vital. It will not only mean you can be more successful at your sport, it will minimise your chances of picking up an injury and disrupting your training schedule.
Are you wanting to get stronger, not seeing any progress, or just not sure where to start? No matter what your level, weight-lifting is a great way to build strength, and let’s face it, it’s fun! Find out how to make this sport work for you.
You’ve done it, you completed the marathon! You’re feeling that runner’s high and want to sign up to another straight away! But you feel those post-race aches and stiffness coming on. Find out how to give your body the best chance at recovering so you can keep running, pain-free.
Is what we know — or think we know — about stretching out-dated and ineffective? It’s time to look at stretching in a new light and take verified advice from the literature instead of just doing what we’ve always done.
In this blog we take a closer look at how and when protein should be consumed particularly around exercise to maximize benefits and performance.
Head of Rehab, Physiotherapist and Running Enthusiast, Dawn Nunes, answers some of the most commonly asked, running-related, questions we get asked in clinic, including:
Want to know more? Contact us today.
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