Sports Doctor

OR2 2090

Could My Knee Pain Be Osteoarthritis?

Sport & Exercise Medicine Consultant, Dr Sam Botchey, explains the signs and symptoms of Osteoarthritis and how to determine if it’s what’s causing your knee pain, plus the treatment options available, including the new cutting-edge treatment, Arthrosamid.

The Pure Pod Ep 1

The Pure Pod: An Introduction to Multidisciplinary Care

Dealing with a persistent injury or chronic pain, and struggling to get the answers or treatment you need from your doctor, or a single specialist? In the first episode of our new podcast series, we explain the process and benefits in a multidisciplinary treatment program.

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Top 10 Health Benefits of Walking

Explore the daily health perks of walking, lose weight, and boost your overall wellbeing. At Pure Sports Medicine, we’re here to help you in reaching your health goals.

OR2 1691

What is Complex Trauma?

What injuries fall under the category of complex trauma’ and how can you determine if that’s what you’re experiencing? Expert Consultant, Dr Rhodri Phillips answers these questions and more.

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Exercise & Endometriosis: Your FAQs Answered

The symptoms of endometriosis can sometimes makes exercising challenging, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be a part of your life. In this blog we aim to answer some frequently asked questions to help you navigate your fitness journey with endometriosis.


6 Symptoms of Endometriosis You Need To Know

This Endometriosis Awareness Month, Dr Sarah Rollins explains 6 common symptoms associated with Endometriosis that everyone should know.


Diabetes & Exercise

We offer a digestible explanation of how glucose metabolism and exercise physiology work alongside one another, what diabetes is, what insulin does, and how all this affects your physical activity and exercise.

Post natal tummy

Diastasis Recti Abdominis

Find out what happens to your body when the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy to make room for your baby, and how to manage it post-natally in order to safely return to activity.